Best Graphic Design is My Passion Memes

Graphics Design is My Passion Meme

Memes are getting popular these days. In the era of social media, people even use memes to protest any unjust deed. Memes can consist of images, videos, or text. A humorous matter that has a relatable twist is the driver of meme materials.

Again there are a lot of hurdles that a designer has to go through to create an aesthetic design. These contrasting factors with graphic design give birth to a lot of meme materials. Thus the “Graphic Design is My Passion” memes come into account.

Origin Story of Memes

The history of memes predates the internet. In 1976, the word was introduced by the biologist Richard Dawkins. He described it as cultural data that derives from a culturally equivalent gene. However, the concept of memes is different from this explanation.

The foundation of memes was created with the revolution of the internet. At that earliest time, it was in a text-based format. The early memes like Dancing Baby and LOLcats showed the potential for the rapid spread of digital content. Then, it was fueled by user-generated creativity and shared enjoyment.

Now, memes have become an integral part of internet culture. It shapes our views on serious issues. However, memes are evolving with new platforms. The current trending issues are mostly the subject matter of memes.

About Graphic Design Is My Passion Meme

The theme “Graphic Design Is My Passion” meme started in 2014 on Tumblr. In this social media platform, Yungterra posted the first meme on this theme. The ironic design of this meme quickly captured the attention.

However, some also think that the meme originated from a webcomic titled “On Fire” by artist KC Green. It was published in 2013. Here we see a frog sitting at a computer and surrounded by flames.

Later, an edited version of the comic became popular on the internet. Where the image has the same frog character as the “Graphics Design Is My Passion” text. This version quickly became a widely shared meme. Particularly, the graphic designers and artists loved the concept.

Ideas to Create a  “Graphics Design Is My Passion Meme”

Creating a “Graphic Design Is My Passion” meme is showing poor design skills. Also, it can be the excessive enthusiasm for design. Here are some ideas to create Graphics Design Is My Passion meme

01. Over-the-Top Text Effects

MS Paint Style, Graphic Design is My Passion

“Over-the-Top Text Effects”  is an effective version of the Graphic Design Is My Passion meme. This one is easy to create. First, you need to choose an infamous font. You can use Comic Sans or Papyrus. Most of the meme creators usually use these fonts.

Then you can use bold, italic, and underline all at once. You can transform the text and use a noisy background. Moreover, users can use effects like bevel and embossing to make the text appear raised.

Use a drop shadow with an inflated offset. Additionally, the glow effect and contrasting colors are also seen in these memes. Place the text off-center. Make it awkwardly positioned in the clipboard. Moreover, you can use different text alignments. For example, you can set one text to the left and another to the right. 

02. Clashing Colors

clashing colors meme

Color plays a vital part in graphic design. You can use the clashing color concept to create a “Graphic Design Is My Passion” meme. For example, you can use neon green, hot pink, or bright orange. These are eye-straining and do not look right in designs. 

In background color, you can use bright and conflicting colors. There are options like electric blue, bright yellow, or vibrant red. Then create a busy background. Background with patterned and chaotic designs suits the best. 

Use text effects so it becomes difficult to read. You can add a thick shadow in yet another clashing color. The neon purple glow around neon green text makes it eye-straining.

03. Low-Resolution Images

low resolution image meme

A professional graphic designer always uses high-quality images. So, you can use a low-resolution image to mock the professionalism of the graphic designer.

So, find an image that is blurry or stretched. The image can be anything. Choose a random picture. Also, you will get these images from the meme makers. Then use this low-resolution image to create a design. You can use the image as a background or as a central element. Place the image awkwardly. Make it either too large or too small.

Then go for text formatting, Make sure the text is misaligned. After that, add a shadow that doesn’t match the aesthetic. Moreover, you can reduce its resolution further in an editing tool. Effects like JPEG artifacts or compression noise make it look even worse.

04. Overloaded Layout

overload layout meme, Graphic Design is My Passion

Choose a background that is already very noisy. You can use a collage of images or patterns. Elements like gradients and patterns are also suitable. Then add multiple text boxes. Choose fonts, sizes, and colors for each text box. Make sure there is no consistent style and different alignments. 

Now add too many images to it. You can use different icons, clipart, or irrelevant images. Then place these elements all over the background inconsistently. Use overly designed shapes and elements of mismatched colors. Use different text effects and shape effects that make the image eye-straining.   

05. Unnecessary Effects

Unnecessary Effects, Graphic Design is My Passion

Take a text box and write Graphic Design Is My Passion. Then choose a simple font like Arial or Times New Roman. Then use unnecessary effects that give the image a messy look. You can use effects like lens flare, blur, noise, and grain. Also, you can use the wrap effect to create an awkward look. 

Filters like Sepia and Posterize also work for this meme. You can use inverted colors to create a disjointed look. Use multiple shadows, glows, and strokes on each letter. Finally, adding borders or frames will make the image look more absurd.  

06. Absurd Content

MS Paint Style, Graphic Design is My Passion

Pick an absurd theme. You can choose anything like a potato, or a dinosaur. Place the elements in a way that looks completely unrelated to each other. Place the text and use the unpopular Graphic Design Is My Passion font. 

Then use random images such as a slice of pizza or a rocket ship. Position the images illogically like they are floating in the air. Also, you can use random texts and quotes. Use effects that make the image so busy. For example, you can use a glowing halo around the potato.

07. MS Paint Style

MS Paint Style, Graphic Design is My Passion

MS Paint is an excellent tool for simple editing. However, creating a professional design is a difficult task with this program. Thus, it has become meme material. So, open MS Paint on your computer. Use the default font for the text. Do not worry about the alignment and placement of text. 

Here you will get free hand-drawing tools. Using these tools you can add rough, shaky lines or doodles. Try to draw shapes but make them look uneven. Then you can use the basic fill and colors. Consider adding a random gradient. Thus you can create a meme in MS Paint. 

Moreover, you can use a logo with elements like clipart. This will give the meme a more serious look. Include a fake watermark. Also, you can add a tagline or slogan. Apply a subtle gradient to the text and elements.

Final Thoughts 

So, this is how you can create a “Graphic Design Is My Passion” meme. However, meme creation depends on your creativity. Also, there are a lot of meme generators available online. Here you will get a lot of templates to create a meme. Yet, creating a graphic design-related meme seems easier.

Any bad design can be turned into a meme. Again memes give us laughter. But today, they become a medium to express our anguish on a social issue. Memes are the source of protest in a lighter way. Businesses also use memes for promotional purposes. 

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FAQ | Graphics Design is My Passion

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Creativity is the main thing that makes people love graphic design. Again, people pursue graphic design as a professional because it allows them to showcase their creative potential as well as earn a handsome salary. 

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A professional graphic designer spends his time meeting with clients. He creates a plan to complete the project. In some cases, he discusses the plan with the client for final approval. Then he starts completing the designs. 

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